Learning to Walk: A Milestone Worth Celebrating


Watching your baby grow and hit those precious milestones is one of the greatest joys of parenthood. For some of you it’s when your child is learning to walk that you are most excited.

It is in this moment that you are filled with so much pride, but you also have many questions that go along with those concerns.

Let’s look into answering some common questions about when your child will walk and provide some practical tips along the way:

When Will My Child Start Learning to Walk?

A very common question you may be thinking of is, "When will my baby start learning to walk?" The truth is, every child is different.

Most babies start to walk between 9 and 18 months. Yes, that’s a wide range! And that’s perfectly okay. Some babies are early movers, while others take their time.

Early Signs That Your Baby May Start Learning to Walk

Before your little one takes their first steps, there are some early signs that they are getting ready to start learning to walk. These include:

  • Sitting Up: Around 6 to 8 months, many babies start sitting up on their own. This is important because doing this will strengthen their tummy muscles.
  • Crawling: Not all babies crawl, but those who do might start around 7 to 10 months. If they do crawl they will develop the coordination needed to walk.
  • Pulling Up: Babies often start pulling themselves up to stand using furniture or your legs. This typically happens between 8 and 12 months.
  • Cruising: This is when your baby starts to move around while holding onto furniture for support. Cruising is a big step in learning to walk and usually begins between 9 and 13 months.

How Can I Help My Baby Learn to Walk?

While your baby will naturally progress through the stages of learning to walk, there are ways you can support and encourage them.

Create a Safe Environment

First and foremost, ensure that your home is safe for your little one on the move. Baby-proofing your home is crucial.

Remove sharp objects, secure heavy furniture, and cover electrical outlets. A safe environment will allow your child to explore and you won’t have to constantly worry.

Encourage Tummy Time

Tummy time is crucial for building the muscles needed for walking. 


Start tummy time early, right from the newborn stage.

Encourage your baby to spend time on their tummy several times a day.

This helps strengthen their upper limbs and muscles.

Provide Plenty of Floor Time

Allow your baby to spend time on the floor where they can freely move and explore. This unstructured playtime helps them practice and improve their motor skills.

Support Standing and Cruising

When your baby starts pulling up to stand, offer plenty of support. You can help them stand by holding their hands or provide sturdy furniture for them to hold onto.

Encouraging cruising is also beneficial. Place toys just out of reach to motivate them to move along the furniture.

Play Walking Games

Turn learning to walk into a fun activity with games and exercises. For example, you can:

  • Hold Their Hands: Walk with your baby while holding both their hands, then gradually let them hold just one hand as they gain confidence.
  • Use Push Toys: Push toys can provide the right amount of support for babies learning to walk. Ensure the toy is stable and not too fast.
  • Encourage Steps Between Parents: Sit a short distance apart from your partner and encourage your baby to walk between you. Celebrate each step they take!

What If My Child Isn’t Walking Yet?

It’s natural to worry if your child isn’t walking by a certain age, especially when you see other babies their age already taking steps.

Remember, the range for learning to walk is broad. However, if your baby isn’t showing any signs of mobility by 18 months or you have concerns about their development, it’s a good idea to talk to your pediatrician.

They can assess your child’s progress and provide guidance or referrals if needed.

Enjoying the Journey

Learning to walk is a remarkable journey, and it’s important to celebrate every step, no matter how small.


Here are a few tips to help you and your baby enjoy this special time:

Patience is Key

Every child develops at their own pace so be patient and above all encourage them one step at a time.

Celebrate their achievements and avoid comparing them to others.

Be Their Biggest Cheerleader

No matter what, cheer them on! Babies love positive reinforcement. Clap, smile, and cheer. When your excited you boost their confidence. 

Capture the Moments

Document these precious moments. Take pictures and videos of your baby walking from the day they start crawling until they have succeeded. It’s moments like these that are precious and you will look back on them with love. 

Stay Safe and Comfortable

Choose comfortable shoes for your baby once they start walking outdoors.

Indoors, it’s best for them to walk barefoot or with non-slip socks. You will help them to develop balance and coordination.

Embrace the Falls

Falling is part of the learning process. As long as they are in a safe environment, let them take those tumbles.

It helps them learn to get up and try again. A lot of times they will fall on their bottom and their diaper will cushion their fall. 

What Comes After Walking?

Once your baby masters walking, their curiosity and desire to explore will only grow. They will start climbing, running, and maybe even dancing! Here’s what to expect next:


Building Confidence

As they become more confident walkers, they will start to explore more.

You can encourage their curiosity while keeping safety in mind.

Exploring New Skills

Your baby will soon start working on new skills like running, jumping, and balancing. 

Allow them to practice these new skills in safe places, like soft play areas or parks. 

Encouraging Physical Activity

Physical activity is crucial for healthy development. Encourage play that involves movement, such as playing ball, dancing, or even simple games like tag.

Promoting Independence

Walking is a big step towards independence. Let them try new things giving them space to learn and grow. Always offer them support when they need it. 

Final Thoughts

Learning to walk is a fundamental milestone in your baby’s development. As your little one takes their first steps, get ready to cheer them on and show your excitement!

There might be a few tumbles along the way, but you can create a safe and encouraging environment for them.

Every child learns at their own pace, so enjoy the journey and treasure every precious moment.

Once your baby has mastered walking, it will be time for them to take on a new adventure with confidence.
