Bullying at School - About a Boy

This is a fictional story I wrote about a boy who experiences bullying at school, how he overcomes his social challenges, and develops self-confidence. 

Along the way, his parents and friends help him to boost his self-esteem.

Keep in mind that not all children will admit to what is going on so quickly, this is a delicate topic that needs to be approached with care. 

Also, depending on the school your child attends depends on how helpful the teacher/principal is and how quickly the situation is solved.  

This story is nothing more than a guideline to assist you in helping your child through a traumatic time. Is your child dealing with bullying?


Ethan’s Journey to Confidence

Ethan had always been a quiet boy, preferring the company of his books to the noisy chatter of the playground. 

Ethan often found himself alone during recess, watching the other kids play while he sat under a tree, lost in his thoughts.

The bullies at school, led by a boy named Ryan, made sure Ethan felt like an outsider. 

They would taunt him about his glasses, his love for reading, and his quiet nature. Each cruel word chipped away at Ethan's self-esteem, making him withdraw further into his shell.

One day, after a particularly harsh encounter with Ryan, Ethan went home feeling defeated.

His mother, Sarah, noticed that he was unusually quiet and asked gently, "Ethan, is everything okay at school?"

Ethan hesitated but then nodded. "It's just... some kids are mean to me. They call me names and make fun of me because I like to read."

Sarah's heart ached for her son. She gave him a hug and told him,“Remember, those bullies at school are the ones with the problem, not you. You're wonderful just the way you are."

That night, Sarah talked to Ethan's father, Mark, about the bullying at school. They gave it some thought and decided that they would help Ethan to find his confidence. 


Mark suggested, "How about we enroll him in a martial arts class?

Self-defence classes will teach him to stand up for himself as well as becoming more confident.”

Sarah took Ethan to a near by dojo the next day. At first, Ethan was nervous, but the instructor, Sensei Hiroshi, was kind and encouraging. 

He made sure to tell Ethan and his mom that martial arts was not only about self-defence, but also discipline and respect. 

Ethan began attending classes regularly. The structure and challenge was enjoyable for him as he slowly started to become more confident. 

Everyone was very supportive at the dojo and Ethan even made some friends, including a boy he became very good friends with, Alex. 

Alex was outgoing and funny, and he quickly took Ethan under his wing. They would practice together and cheer each other on. For the first time, Ethan felt like he belonged.

Despite his newfound confidence, the bullying at school didn't stop immediately. Ryan and his friends still taunted Ethan, but now Ethan had something they didn't expect: resilience. 

Instead of shrinking back, Ethan started standing up for himself, calmly telling the bullies to leave him alone.

One afternoon, Ethan was reading under his favorite tree when Ryan approached with his usual sneer. "Hey, bookworm! Got any friends today, or are you still a loser?"

Ethan looked up, feeling the strength from his martial arts training and the support from his friends and family. "I'm not a loser, Ryan. Just because I like to read doesn't mean you can pick on me."

Ryan was taken aback by Ethan's confidence. He said something under his breath and then just walked away. For the first time, Ethan didn't feel afraid.

Ethan's teachers noticed the change in him as well. His English teacher, Mrs. Thompson, invited him to join the school's literary club. 

At first, Ethan was hesitant, but Alex encouraged him. "You've got this, Ethan. This is your chance to share your love of books with others who feel the same.”


The literary club was a wonderful experience for Ethan, he made many friends at the same time being able to share his passion for reading a writing.

He started to write is own stories, and realized a new way of expressing himself.

One day, the club decided to hold a school-wide writing contest. Ethan poured his heart into every word he wrote down.  

When the winners were announced, Ethan couldn't believe his ears when his name was called for first place.

For the first time Ethan felt proud and a sense of accomplishment, as  he stood in front of the whole school. 

The same kids who once ignored or teased him were now applauding his talent. He glanced at his parents in the audience, their faces beaming with pride.

After the assembly, Ryan approached Ethan, but this time there was no sneer on his face. "Hey, Ethan," he said awkwardly. "Congrats on the contest. Your story was really good."

Ethan was surprised but smiled. "Thanks, Ryan."

From that day on, things changed at school. The bullying at school stopped, and Ethan found that other kids began respecting him more.

He no longer felt like an outsider as his confidence grew with each passing day. 

Ethan’s parents and friends celebrated his victories and were always there for him during setbacks.

With all of their support, Ethan knew that he would no longer have to face future difficulties alone. Is your child dealing with bullying?


Ethan’s story is not just about the bullying at school that he endured. 

But it is also about the realization of his talent, the awareness that there would always be obstacles in his way and the fact that he had attained the strength and support to overcome them.