Why Parenting is Hard: A Personal Perspective

No one is born knowing how to be a parent and parenting is hard sometimes.


Welcome to the wild ride known as parenthood! It's a whirlwind adventure that has it’s moments of laughter, tears and everything in between. The instant you hold your little one in your arms, you realize that life will never be quite the same.

Parenting is undeniably beautiful and fulfilling, yet, let's face it—it also comes with its fair share of difficulties.

Have you ever wondered why parenting is hard? We’ll explore the issue here in this article, along with some of the many duties a parent has and some of the valuable lessons learned along the way.

But no worries, having a child isn’t all chaos, there are countless occasions of happiness and affection that make it all worthwhile.

Parenting is Hard #1 - The Lesson of Sacrifice:

One of the initial lessons parenthood teaches you is about sacrifice.
No more spontaneous outings or uninterrupted nights of sleep. Instead, you find yourself getting up in the wee hours to soothe your crying baby or sitting at the kitchen table bleary eyed while helping with last minute homework.

Being a parent involves making sacrifices in so many ways—like prioritizing your all of your child's needs over your own for starters or setting aside any personal interests to focus strictly on family time.

Parenting is Hard #2 - 24/7 Responsibility:

Parenting means being on call 24/7, with no breaks or time off.
When your child is unwell, you're the one who stays up all night checking on their temperature and administering medication.

And that’ s just at night, let's not overlook the never ending list of daily responsibilities—changing diapers, toilet training, bath time, cooking healthy meals, making sure that they're dressed appropriately for the weather, driving them to extra curricular activities and managing the bedtime chaos, and there's more.

It's a continuous balancing act that demands patience and organizational abilities.

Parenting is Hard #3 - The Ride of Emotions:

Parenthood is like a roller coaster of emotions, with highs and lows that can bring moments of pure joy followed by utter exhaustion. You witness the magic of your child taking their first steps, hear they're contagious laughter and feel their small arms wrapping around you in a hug.

But alongside the highs come inevitable lows—the temper tantrums, the emotional breakdowns and those heart wrenching instances when you can't shield them from life's hardships.

Parenting is Hard #4 - Learning Patience


Our little ones never cease to amaze us with their endless curiosity. "Why is the sky blue?" to wondering "How do birds fly?” ……..

While it may sometimes feel overwhelming, this constant flow of questions actually signals healthy growth and development. Children possess a natural sense of exploration, always eager to figure out the mysteries of the world around them.

By encouraging their curiosity you are not only supporting their learning but also strengthening your connection with them.

Be patient, they will tire of it soon enough. The attention span of the little ones is very limited. More than likely they will be off and doing something else in no time.

So, the next time your child throws another "Why?" your way, just take a moment, take a deep breath, smile and go on yet another journey of discovery together.

Parenting is Hard #5 - Learning to Release Control:

As parents, our natural instinct is to shield our children from pain and disappointment. However, we soon realize that it's impossible to protect them from every hardship.

I kid you not, one of the hardest lessons of parenting is learning to let go and allow them to navigate their own journey. It means watching them make mistakes and fail all while resisting the urge to get involved.

It requires striking a delicate balance between providing guidance and granting them the space to mature and learn independently.

Parenting is Hard #6 - Discovering Your Inner Strength Through Vulnerability:

Parenthood has a unique way of bringing forth your deepest fears and doubts. From the moment you step into the shoes of a parent, you question whether you are doing things right, regularly doubting the choices you make. Often wondering if you'll ever measure up to the impossible standards set by society.

Yet among this self doubt and unease, you uncover an inner strength— “you boldly go where no man has ever gone” (just kidding). Sorry about that, I was just reading an article about William Shatner earlier today.

In reality though, you will definitely find yourself being able to face any challenges with bravery and determination.

In conclusion, without a shadow of a doubt, parenting is hard, it can be one of life's most demanding roles. You will experience sleepless nights and endless responsibilities and don’t forget those moments of questioning yourself or second guessing yourself or simply going with your gut. Things that work with one child may not work with another.

However, all the happiness and affection between you and your child out weigh any amount of chaos making it all worthwhile. From the very first moment you lay your eyes on your little one to the endless memories you share together, being a parent is a unique journey that changes you in ways you never imagined.

So, to all the parents out there, take a moment to celebrate the unconditional love that connects you to your children. And remember, you're doing an amazing job, even on the most difficult days!