How You Can Encourage a Positive Body Image and Self-Esteem in Your Teenager

Raising a teenager is both exciting and challenging, but during the teenage years, when bodies are changing rapidly, and social pressures are high, helping them maintain a positive body image can be tough.

girlnegimagealloverSource: brgfx on freepix

The good news? You are a powerful being and when you focus on promoting a healthy view of their bodies, you can make all the difference in your teen’s life.

Understanding Good Body Image

A  good body image is when a person feels comfortable and confident in their body, appreciating it for what it can do rather than focusing solely on how it looks.

A person with a positive body image knows that beauty comes in all shapes, sizes and appearances.

Unfortunately teens are often inundated with unrealistic standards from peers and the media about body image and how they should look.

The Connection Between Body Image and Self-Esteem

A teenager is more likely to have a positive body image if they have high self-esteem. However, if their self-esteem is low, they will be more prone to body dissatisfactions.

Your role is important here because by building your teen’s self-esteem, you are supporting a healthier body image.

How Do You Encourage a Positive Body Image in Your Teen?

1. Model a Healthy Relationship with Your Own Body

Teens often look to their parents as role models, even if they don’t always admit it. If you speak negatively about your own body or obsess over diets and weight, your teen may internalize these attitudes.

Instead, be a good example and try to model a healthy relationship with your body.

Show appreciation for what your body can do—whether it’s being strong enough to carry groceries, run a marathon, or simply give a warm hug.

Don’t make silly negative comments about your appearance or body and focus on self-care and health.

2. Encourage Healthy Habits, Not Dieting


While it’s important for your teen to maintain a healthy lifestyle, it’s crucial to avoid comparing thinness with health.

Encourage your teen to eat a balanced diet, get regular exercise, and prioritize sleep—but do so without focusing on weight loss or appearance.

Teach them that healthy habits are about feeling good and taking care of their body, not fitting into a certain size. By promoting health over beauty, you’re helping them build a positive body image.

3. Talk About Media Literacy

The media is filled with images of “perfect” bodies, which can negatively impact a teen’s positive body image.

Have open discussions with your teen about the unrealistic portrayals of beauty they see in movies, magazines, and on social media. Explain how these images are often altered and don’t represent reality.

Encourage them to follow diverse accounts that celebrate different body types and remind them that worth is not defined by appearance.

4. Focus on Strengths Beyond Appearance

Help your teen build self-esteem by focusing on their strengths and qualities that have nothing to do with appearance. Praise them for their kindness, intelligence, creativity, or perseverance.

When your teen feels valued for who they are, not just how they look, they’re more likely to develop a positive body image.

5. Create a Supportive Environment at Home

Your home should be a safe space where your teen feels accepted and loved for who they are. Avoid making comments about their appearance, even if you think they’re harmless.

Instead, foster an environment where open communication is encouraged. If your teen expresses concerns about their body, listen without judgment and offer reassurance.

Let them know that everyone has insecurities but that these do not define their worth.

6. Encourage Open Conversations About Body Image

girlnegimageSource: brgfx on freepix

Teenagers might not always feel comfortable talking about their insecurities, but it’s essential to keep the lines of communication open.

Ask them if they have any concerns about their body.

Share any of your own experiences, showing that it’s okay to feel vulnerable.

You will make it easier for your child to come to you when they need support, if you discuss this topic with them in advance.

7. Teach Critical Thinking

Encourage your teen to seriously think about the messages they receive about body image.

Remind them to question why some body types are glorified and discuss how this may affect a person’s mental health.

When teens understand that societal standards of beauty are constructed and not reflective of real life, they’re better equipped to maintain a positive body image.

What You Will Need to Know About the It’s Impact

It isn’t just about helping your child feel good about how they look and feel, it can effect their mental and physical health.

1. Reduces the Risk of Eating Disorders

Teens with a positive body image are less likely to develop eating disorders. When you teach them healthy food habits, you will help them to avoid things like, restrictive dieting and binge eating.

2. Boosts Mental Health

A positive body image is closely tied to overall mental health. Teens who feel good about their bodies are less likely to experience anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem.

They’re also more resilient in the face of bullying or negative comments about their appearance.

3. Improves Social Relationships


When teens are confident in themselves, they’re more likely to form healthy relationships.

Rather than worrying about how they look, teens with a positive body image can connect with others who share the same interests and values.

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