Be a Better Mom & Make a Difference in Your Child's Life

If you are anything like all the other moms on this planet you want to improve your relationship with your children and be a better mom.  

The best way to do this is to create a supportive and loving environment for them.

Becoming a better mother does not require that you make some dramatic changes, it might just surprise you to know that the smallest of changes can do wonders. 


Understand Your Child’s Needs

Every child is unique, with their own set of needs, dreams, and fears. In order to be a better mom, you first need to understand your child.

Spend time observing and listening to them. What makes them happy? What do they worry about most?

  • Active Listening: Make a habit of giving your child your undivided attention when they speak. This shows them that their thoughts and feelings are important.
  • Empathy: Try to see the world from their perspective. You will build a deep connection and trust with them.

Setting Realistic Expectations 

You may sometimes feel overwhelmed with the pressure to be perfect. However, perfection is not the goal here. 

How to set realistic expectations:

  • Prioritize: Focus on what truly matters. Not every task needs to be done perfectly.
  • Self-Compassion: Be kind to yourself. Acknowledge your efforts and understand that it's okay to have off days.
  • Flexibility: Be open to change and adapt as needed. Parenting is a process, and being flexible can help you manage any difficulties better.

Be a Better Mom & Form a Strong Emotional Bond With Your Child

Creating an emotional bond with your child provides a safe space where they can express themselves and feel loved.

  • Quality Time: Spend quality time together doing activities your child enjoys. This could be anything from playing games to reading stories or simply talking.
  • Physical Affection: Hugs, kisses, and gentle touches convey love and reassurance.
  • Positive Reinforcement: Praise and encourage your child’s efforts and achievements. They will be motivated to keep trying to get even better and the praise will boost their self-esteem.
  • Respect: Treat your child with respect, and they will learn to reciprocate. Respect their opinions, feelings, and boundaries.

Be a Better Mom and Set Boundaries with Love

Be a better mom and don’t forget to set boundaries for your kids. With love and respect, it means guiding your child with understanding and patience. 

  • Consistency: Ensure that rules and consequences are consistent. This way kids will know what is expected of them.
  • Clear Communication: Explain the reasons behind rules and consequences, helping kids to understand why you set these boundaries and what makes them so important. 
  • Gentle Discipline: Use positive discipline techniques like time-outs, redirection, and natural consequences rather than harsh punishments.

Encouraging Independence

Helping your child become independent is a key aspect of being a better mom. You are fostering confidence and preparing them for the future. 

  • Age-Appropriate Responsibilities: Give your child tasks that are suitable for their age and abilities. Teaching how to be more responsible.
  • Problem-Solving Skills: Encourage your child to solve problems on their own, offering guidance when needed. This builds critical thinking skills.
  • Decision-Making: Allow them to make choices, such as picking out their clothes or deciding on a family activity.
  • Support and Trust: Show your child that you trust them to make good decisions, meanwhile, you will be boosting their confidence and independence.

Prioritizing Self-Care

To be a better mom it also means taking care of yourself. When you are well-rested and happy, you are better equipped to care for your child.

  • Personal Time: Make time for activities that you enjoy and that rejuvenate you. Spend some time with your friends, go for a walk or participate in some other exercise, read a book.
  • Healthy Lifestyle: Eat well, exercise regularly, and get enough sleep, doing these things affect your mental and emotional well-being in a good way.
  • Seek Support: Don’t hesitate to ask for help from family, friends, or professionals when needed.

Focus on a Positive Environment

Create a positive home environment for your kids, your child’s overall development will benefit.

  • Model Positive Behaviour: Always be aware of what you say and your actions. Show kindness, respect and empathy towards others. 
  • Encouragement and Support: Foster an environment where your child feels supported and encouraged to pursue their interests and talents.
  • Healthy Communication: Promote open and honest communication. Allow your kids to talk with you about their thoughts and feelings without fear of judgment.
  • Consistency: Establish routines and rules that provide a sense of security and stability.
  • Love and Affection: Show your love through hugs, kind words, and spending quality time together. Physical and emotional affection are crucial for their development.

Be Present and Mindful

It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life, however, to be a better mom it requires that you be present and mindful in your interactions with your children.

  • Mindful Parenting: Practice mindfulness by being fully present in the moment with your child, this will create lasting memories for you while strengthening the bond between you both.
  • Limit Distractions: Reduce distractions like smartphones and television during family time, be with your child.
  • Patience and Calm: Approach parenting challenges with patience and a calm attitude, setting the right example on how to handle stress.

Reflect and Learn

Take the time to learn from your experiences. Remember, you will never stop learning when it comes to parenting, 

Reflection tips: Examples of becoming better mothers

  • Journaling: Write down your thoughts, challenges, and successes. This way you will know where you need improvement.
  • Feedback: Seek feedback from your children. Ask them what about your relationship with them can you do differently.
  • Learning: Keep informed about tips, strategies and advice on parenting. Join parenting groups or online groups, find info on my site. Attend workshops or read books.

Example Stories: Choose Your Own Adventure in Motherhood

In the following scenarios what would you do: Will you choose Choice A or Choice B - I hope you do what's best for your child. 

Story 1: The Morning Rush

It’s a typical busy morning. Your child is struggling to get ready for school, and you’re feeling the pressure of time.

Choice A: You raise your voice, urging them to hurry up. 

Choice B: You take a deep breath, kneel down to their level, and calmly help them with their shoes.

Outcome for Choice A: Your child feels stressed and starts crying, making the morning even more chaotic. 

Outcome for Choice B: Your child feels supported and the morning continues smoothly, setting a positive tone for the day.

Story 2: The Homework Struggle

Your child is frustrated with their homework and is on the verge of giving up.

Choice A: You take over and do the homework for them. 

Choice B: You sit with them, offering guidance and encouragement, but let them complete it on their own.


Outcome for Choice A: Your child learns to rely on you to solve their problems, missing out on developing important skills. 

Outcome for Choice B: Your child feels a sense of accomplishment and gains confidence in their abilities.

Story 3: The Bedtime Routine

Your child is resisting bedtime, asking for one more story.

Choice A: You firmly say no, it’s time for bed. 

Choice B: You agree to one more short story, making it a calming and enjoyable experience.

Outcome for Choice A: Your child goes to bed upset, making it harder for them to fall asleep. 

Outcome for Choice B: Your child feels comforted and goes to bed happily, leading to a peaceful night.

Remember, it’s the small, everyday actions that make the biggest difference.