Real Stories of Being a Better Mother

Every mother, whether new or experienced, strives for one common goal: being a better mother.

I emailed some of the mothers who had their kids in day care back when I was a preschool teacher. 

I asked them if they wouldn’t mind writing a very short story about their experience of being a mom and eventually learning to become a better parent. 

These changes didn't happen over night, but with some focus and determination things eventually got better for these mothers. 

Here are some of their stories:

Sarah's Journey to Being a Better Mother

I am a mother of two energetic boys and a girl, there was a time when I was always feeling overwhelmed by the chaos in my home. 


Between juggling a demanding job and household chores I was left with very little time to connect with my kids. 

Most days I found myself yelling at them for little things, only to feel guilty afterwards and wanting to change and be a better mom to them. 

One day I happened to stumble upon a parenting podcast while commuting to work.

They were discussing how important mindful parenting was and how spending quality time with your children promoted their development. 

Inspired, I decided to make some changes. I started by setting aside some time each evening to participate in activities that all my kids enjoyed.

Whether it was building with Lego's, reading stories, or simply talking about their day, I made sure to be fully present.

I learned that by practicing deep breathing and mindfulness strategies I would be managing my stress better. When I did this I became more patient and less reactive.

My kids noticed the difference too. They started to open up to me more and our bond grew stronger.

Just by making these small changes, I felt that I was being a better mother. That is when I realized that motherhood is not about being perfect but about making connections with your kids.

Emily's Transformation to Being a Better Mother

When I was a first-time mom, I was filled with anxiety and self-doubt. The constant advice from well-meaning friends and family only added to my stress. 


All I wanted was to be a perfect mom but I didn’t know how.

One afternoon when I was at the bookstore, I found a book on positive parenting. The book talked about the benefits of self-care and setting expectations, so I thought I’d give it a try.

I created a daily routine that included time for myself. Whether it was a short walk, reading a book, or taking a relaxing bath, I made sure I recharged my batteries, so to speak.

I also took a look at my imperfections, instead of trying so hard to be the ideal parent, I tried to be more loving and present to my daughter. 

I started a journal where I wrote down moments of joy and gratitude each day. This helped shift my opinion from criticism to appreciation. 

As I became more relaxed my relationship with my baby got better.  I realized that being a better mother meant taking care of myself too.

Linda's Path to Being a Better Mother

I was a single mom, raising my daughter on my own, she's all grown up now, but I remember often feeling overwhelmed by the demands of parenting her when she became a teenager. 


Her name is Kelly, our relationship was nothing less than strained and a constant battle. I wanted to make a change to our relationship but I didn't know how.

I decided to go to one of those parenting workshops at my local community centre. The subject was about listening to your child and empathizing. 

I learned that validating my daughters feelings and giving her space were important issues that I needed to consider. I also needed to listen to her more and be more empathetic to her feelings. 

Eventually, whenever Kelly came home upset about a disagreement with a friend, I resisted the urge to give advice, I would just bite my tongue, literally.

I listened patiently and acknowledged Kelly's feelings. To my surprise, Kelly started to open up to me even more. 

I also made an effort to spend quality time with her. We started a tradition of cooking dinner together every Friday. This shared activity became a time for us to bond and laugh together. 

Our relationship improved significantly. Kelly felt understood and supported, and I found joy in our newfound connection.

Jane’s Story: From Overwhelmed to Organized

I am a mother of two boys and when they were younger, they had more energy than I knew what to do with. 


The never-ending tasks that were included in my daily schedule was making lunches to supervising after school activities.

I wanted to become a better mom and I knew that could, if only I could find a way to be more organized. 

One evening, after the kids were asleep, I sat down with a cup of tea and a notebook. I wrote up a list of everything that needed to be completed weekly.

I then created a schedule that I colour-coded and indicated what days we were going to do chores, extra curricular activities, have family time and so on. 

This way I was able to reduce the stress of trying to remember everything that I needed to do on a daily basis.  

I was able to turn tasks into fun activities and get the boys involved easier. We made cleaning their rooms fun and when all their chores were complete I gave them stickers.

In the end encouraging the boys to be more responsible. 

As time went on, I noticed a significant change. My home was more organized, and I felt more in control.

By planning and involving my children, I was becoming a better mom. My boys thrived in the more structured environment, and family time became more enjoyable and less rushed.

Alicia’s Story: Finding Patience through Mindfulness

I am a new mom to baby Mia (Trista’s cousin). In the beginning I struggled with sleepless nights and the constant demands of a newborn. 


I often found myself exhausted and feeling impatient or even irritable. I was concerned that my behaviour would affect my relationship with Mia. 

With a bit of a push from a good friend of mine I decided to to give mindfulness and meditation a try. I started small, with just five minutes of deep breathing exercises each morning. 

I soon began making my mindful parenting sessions longer. This helped me to be more fully present during my time with Mia, focusing on my daughter’s needs without distractions.

One evening Mia was being particularly fussy, and I could feel my frustration taking over. Rather than getting upset, I was able to stay calm and just took some deep breaths.

While holding my daughter close, I sang softly to her until she was no longer crying. By remaining calm and patient it made a world of difference in how I felt.  

I realized that by staying calm and centered, I could respond better to Mia’s needs.

The mindfulness practices not only helped me to manage my stress but also deepened my bond with Mia. I am now learning to enjoy and appreciate the steady pace of motherhood. 

Through mindfulness, I am better mother, nurturing Mia with patience and love.

Laura’s Story: Embracing Self-Care to Strengthen Motherhood

I am a mother of three and I have always put my family’s needs before my own. Problem was, I forgot to take care of my own well-being. I would be the first to wake in the morning and last to bed at night. 


After a while, managing the family took it’s toll and I began feeling exhausted and a bit scattered. 

One day, after an exhausting week, a friend of mine suggested I take some time for myself. At first, I thought, no way, but I also knew something had to change. 

So, I started small, setting aside thirty minutes each day for self-care activities. Whether it was reading a book, taking a walk, or enjoying a hot bath, I certainly cherished these moments of rest.

I was surprised when I began seeing that these small acts of self-care made such a big difference.

I was starting to feel more energized and present when spending time with my kids. I was finally being a better mother just as I had always hoped for. 

So there you have it, being a better mother is about making changes in yourself and strengthening your relationship with your child. It's about loving, teaching and guiding them to be the best they can be. 

Now, to all you moms out there, celebrate your wins, learn from your mistakes and simply aim to be the best mom you can be. Your efforts, no matter how small, will make a big difference in your children's lives.