Styles of Parenting: Discover What Works Best for You and Your Kids

Understanding the different styles of parenting will help you to recognize which of the approaches you might want to take when raising your children.

You will learn how these approaches can impact your child's development, behavior, and well-being.

What is the most important job in the world??

Parenting! And yet you will receive the least amount of training or formal education for it. Am I right?

Whatever course or workshops are out there are not mandatory. You can raise your kids like your parents did, however, I don't know about anyone else out there, but I swore I would never raise my kids the way my parents raised me. 

Is it hard? Some days it can be, others it's very rewarding or the day may be filled with both ups and downs. 

But here's what makes it all worthwhile. Those times when they take their first steps or begin talking, the proud moments at school events, or the spontaneous "I love you."

Some of What You Will Learn Here

What You will Need to Know about Becoming a New Parent:

From first-time diaper changes to the first day of school, as a new parent their is so much that you will need to learn. I cover the essentials to help you get started in the best way possible:

  • The best parenting books are those that resonate with you, fit your family’s values, and provide practical advice for your unique situation.

    Best Parenting Books

    The best parenting books are those that resonate with you, fit your family’s values, and provide practical advice for your unique situation.

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    Every child's journey to walking and talking is unique. If you are concerned about their progress, “don’t get your panties all in a knot just yet.”

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    When you become a parent your life changes forever. In this guide to parenting you will learn that you are not just responsible for than their basic care..

  • When a child’s stages of growth and development are met it’s not determined by what some list says, but by the environment, genetics and their parents support and love.

    Stages of Growth and Development from Infancy - 18yrs

    When a child’s stages of growth and development are met it’s not determined by what some list says, but by the environment, genetics and their parents support and love.

  • Watching your baby grow and hit those precious milestones is one of the greatest joys of parenthood, for many parents it's when their child is “learning to walk.”

    Learning to Walk - When Children Start Walking.

    Watching your baby grow and hit those precious milestones is one of the greatest joys of parenthood, for many parents it's when their child is “learning to walk.”

  • It’s like wearing many different hats all at once. But, What does the role of a parent involve? How are you going to handle the challenges of parenting?

    Role of a Parent

    It’s like wearing many different hats all at once. But, What does the role of a parent involve? How are you going to handle the challenges of parenting?

All of the Styles of Parenting You are Looking for can be Found in this one Place:

Tips on creating a harmonious home where every member feels valued and understood, because when it comes to building strong values and morals in your child, you are their #1 source of guidance.

You can find every style of parenting you are looking for in the drop down menu above. 

However, don't forget that every child responds differently to styles of parenting, their character, unique personality, and overall environment play a significant role in the way they react.

Also, remember, that every parent's journey is unique. Factors such as culture, values, personal experiences, and your child's personality might influence how you parent.

Be patient with yourself and the styles of parenting you may choose to work with, you'll know when it feels right for everyone involved.

  • Main styles of parenting - authoritative, authoritarian, permissive, neglectful
  • Sub-styles of parenting- light-house, free-range, eggshell, tiger - plus more
  • Additional styles of parenting - holistic, intensive, passive - and many others

Creating a Safe and Loving Environment for your Children:

You will build a safe and loving environment for your children by giving them consistent support, warmth and structure. You will set clear boundaries that will help them to understand what’s expected and what’s safe.

However, it also allows them freedom to explore within those limits. Parents show love through everyday gestures like spending quality time together, listening to their children's thoughts and expressing affection openly.

This includes physical safety.

The Importance of an Early Childhood Education (ECE)

Parents are their children's first teachers. Early learning experiences help to stimulate cognitive development.

When a child begins to learn such things at an early age, like before they start school, they tend to have a love for learning that lasts way into the future.

The following articles further explain the importance of starting to educate your child early. 

Building Physical and Mental Health

Provide your children with a balanced diet, teach healthy habits and try to get them to do some exercise. 

When you encourage their physical health you are setting them up for a healthy lifestyle and reducing the risk of future health issues.

You will want to remain connected with your teen as they get through adolescence. As they get older they will need the chance to develop their own independence.

You will be tempted to jump in and protect them in any way you can from the challenges that life throws at them, but you may be doing them more harm than good. 

Don’t Forget About You - Reducing Stress and Anxiety

Parents should prioritize self-care because it helps them stay emotionally and physically healthy, which directly benefits their children.

When parents take time to recharge, they can be more patient, present, and responsive to their kids' needs.

Taking care of yourself also sets a positive example, teaching children the importance of self-respect and balance in life.

Raising Kids with Confidence

I don’t just stop at parenting advice. I include many of my own experiences throughout the years as well examples of being a better mother from my friends. All real-life stories.

I also ask that you share your experiences. Just write a page that I can include on my site and you will get credit. For example, write a page here. Feel free to ask questions and learn from other parents who are on similar journeys.

You will get no fluff here—just real, simple and practical steps you can apply to everyday parenting challenges. 

Parenting isn’t always a walk in the park. Some days go well and you feel like you're on top of the world, yet other days you will wonder if you're doing anything right.

That’s absolutely normal! You don’t have to be perfect, just be there for your kids, giving them unconditional love, understanding and reassurance.

It’s about cherishing the beautiful moments and creating lasting memories.